Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Four "R's" in Galatians 6

The Care Group had a wonderful session at Chairman Justin and Ate Marilyn’s new address, where Elder Robert V. continued our review of Paul’s Letter to the Galatians. Our discussion for the evening concentrated on Chapter 6 and used parts of the book “Free for All: Galatians,” by Phillip Jensen and Kel Richards (Matthias Media).

Elder Robert divided Galatians Chapter 6 into 4 sections: verses 1-5; verse 6; verses 7-10 and verses 11-18:

Galatians 6:1-5 and the theme of
(Pls. click and drag on the blank space within the “quotation marks” above.)

What does verse 1 prove about us? Do you think we lose our salvation if we sin?

How is being “spiritual” described in verses 1-5?

How do we fulfill the law of Christ by carrying each other’s
burdens (verse 2)?

Discuss verse 3. Have you experienced a spiritual low in your life? How did you handle it?

Is verse 5 a contradiction of verse 2? How do we look at these in context?

How would a legalist deal with a brother (or sister) in Christ who falls into sin?

Galatians 6:6 and the theme of
(Pls. click and drag on the blank space within the “quotation marks” above.)

What does Paul mean when he instructs believers to “share all good things with your his instructor (teacher or pastor)?”

What would a legalist consider as appropriate in “sharing good things?” (All? Some? 10% before or after taxes?)

Galatians 6:7-10 and the theme of
(Pls. click and drag on the blank space within the “quotation marks” above.)

Discuss verse 7: Is there anything (desire, thought, plan or action) that we can
keep secret from God?

What is our encouragement in verse 9 to
continue “doing good?”

Galatians 6:11-18 and the theme of

(Pls. click and drag on the blank space within the “quotation marks” above.)

As opposed to Paul, where do Legalists (or Moralists) find their fulfillment?

What is the most important sign that someone is a true disciple
of Christ?

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